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7 Ways to Survive Stress at Work

7 Ways to Survive Stress at Work

It’s likely no surprise that your job is the part of your life that keeps you awake at night and makes your head pound as you try to juggle your workload and colleagues’ expectations. If you could just take the unnecessary steam out of this pressure cooker, you would be a happier person.

Rather than just putting your head down and pushing through, take time to make sure you are balancing the energy and passion you put into your job as you go through the rest of your day. Those headaches, upset stomach, and sleepless nights are taking a toll on you that will come back to haunt you.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration considers stress a workplace hazard that costs $190 billion a year in healthcare bills. Not only does it impact your quality of life, but it may also actually make you live for a shorter period of time during which you struggle with heart disease or other ailments.

Here are some tips to help you not get overwhelmed and make you produce better work with less stress:

1. Get Organized

If your desk is awash in paper and you have six to-do lists on the go, you’re going to feel like your world is out of control. If you don’t have a to-do list and carry it all in your head, then you’re in a different type of chaotic situation.

The first thing to do is set your priorities and make sure they align with what your boss and customers need. Those will be the large headings within your daily list. Beneath them, write in steps that you need to take to reach those larger goals. By checking them off, you feel a sense of accomplishment.

If you have a task that does not feed into the big picture, ask yourself why you’re doing it or move it to the bottom of the list. Sometimes, we fill part of the day with quick hits for the sense of accomplishment they deliver, rather than their strategic purpose.

Aim to get two to three major things done daily. That will help you in the long run and create a new habit that will serve you well. By being focused, you have a greater sense of control. Challenge yourself by setting deadlines to keep you on track. Put notices in your calendar to hold you accountable, setting up check-in points throughout the week. By mapping them out at the start or end of your week, you have a plan for when you return to your desk.

2. Find Workplace Allies

Making friends with people who are ethical and accountable will help you get through the days when you want to pull out your hair. Since you spend so much time in proximity or working on common goals, these are people who understand the stresses you face and can support you in various ways. These buddies can listen to you vent or offer solutions when you hit a wall. 

Take lunch breaks away from your desk to get to know people in the lunchroom or chat with them socially when you make work or Zoom calls. Don’t waste those breaks on celebrity gossip sites on your phone when you have real, caring people who could be helpful sounding boards. Share your concerns with them and try to support each other when needed. Just laughing with a co-worker is a great release of tension.

Schedule an off-site activity with your team or a department that is vital to your success. While lunch is nice, solving the puzzles within an escape room, throwing axes, or taking a cooking class together is even more fun. Then you can learn about each others’ additional skills and build positive memories to draw on later. Even virtual gaming together creates camaraderie.

3. Focus on Wellness at Work

Having a barren set of cubicles can be a soul-sucking environment, so make sure your site reflects the energy you are trying to create. 

Open things up or create common spaces for people to share ideas or to socialize. Having a nice setting for your meetings will create better vibes. 

Bring in plants and add a small fridge for snacks and lunches. Keeping the plants alive can be delegated or made into a team task.

A water dispenser is used for more than a place to exchange ideas. Keeping people hydrated also makes them healthier.

Keep windows uncovered as much as possible to bring in energy-giving natural light. 

Clean up clutter so people feel inspired to tidy up their desks and stay organized. Having a clean office just feels more professional and sets a better tone. Clear out garbage and food waste regularly.

4. Get Up and Move!

Encourage midday stretches. Moving out of your chair and activating your muscles helps to release tension and reset your flagging brain. It will also boost your mood and your productivity. If you cannot come up with a solution to a problem, walk around the office or the block with a colleague to see if a change of scenery activates another part of your brain and delivers the answer you need.

Lobby to get a stand-up desk so you can switch positions throughout the day. This strengthens your core and leg muscles and burns a few extra calories.

Outside of work, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to clear out the cobwebs and the toxins. It will distract you from worrying about work and make you a more fine-tuned machine to face tough days.

5. Fuel Up Smart

You’ve heard of SMART goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. However, we’re just going with the original meaning of the word which means you make intelligent choices.

Sure, you could order in a greasy burger and fries every day, but that just clogs up your brain and slows you down all afternoon. Instead, fuel up on healthy meals and snacks throughout the day. 

Keep candy away from your desk. If you need something sweet, grab a piece of fruit and enjoy its fiber and juiciness. A small piece of dark chocolate also does the trick.

Opt for nuts, chopped vegetables, or pretzels instead since they are less addictive and have actual nutrients in them. Even then, limit your quantities.

Avoid heavy, carb-rich lunches, such as pasta. Make sure you get some protein. If you eat sandwiches, add vegetables, such as lettuce and tomatoes, to give you more goodness.

Drink water instead of chemical concoctions like soda or so-called energy drinks. 

6. Sleep It Off

The best cure for virtually every ailment is a good night’s sleep, and that includes stress! Recharge then face the morning ready for any challenge. However, you need to commit to clearing your thoughts in order to rest peacefully.

Some people get into the habit of checking messages throughout the evening, right up until they go to bed. Break this habit so your brain isn’t preoccupied with work plans when your head hits the pillow. Instead, use an alarm other than your phone so you can turn it off during the night. Pinging and buzzing will just keep reminding you that the outside world awaits your attention.

You need seven to nine hours of sleep each night to function well, no matter what some sleep-deprived overachievers will tell you. Go to bed and arise at the same time every day, including weekends so your body gets into the routine.

Avoid blue-lit screens before bedtime since they awaken your brain. Instead, read or tidy up part of your house. Sit and talk with a family member about their day or yours. Take the dog out for a short walk. Decompress and don’t feel guilty about it.

7. Look on the Bright Side

Focus on the outcomes of your job, rather than the daily aggravations. You provide a service or a product that people need/love. You employ people who are grateful to have jobs. You serve food that customers enjoy. Whatever it is, don’t lose sight of the value of your mission.

Thank the people around you for making you feel productive or providing feedback to make your workplace better. Again, this puts the emphasis on the positive.

Give up on being ‘perfect’ and forgive yourself when things go slightly off-track. Do your best and don’t beat yourself up if you fall short of your high expectations. Your failures don’t define you, so learn from them and move on.

Accept that you can only control your performance and let go of things for which you do not have ownership. If an employee calls in sick, adjust plans but don’t take on all their work by yourself. If a shipment gets delayed, talk to the courier about Plan B. By not taking on unnecessary stress, you’ll have less of a burden to carry.

Reference: https://snacknation.com/blog/how-to-reduce-stress-at-work/


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