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Am I ‘Fuzzy’ From Sleep Deprivation or Depression?

Am I ‘Fuzzy’ From Sleep Deprivation or Depression?

When you’re fatigued, it is a challenge to focus on anything, particularly when you’re trying to figure out if it’s your depression or your insomnia that is wearing you down.

The answer could be both.

Sadly, just when your body needs a chance to fully recharge to get your brain back on track, you may hit a string of ceiling-staring nights that frustrate and derail you. Meanwhile, your racing brain fuels your insomnia by refusing to let you rest.

Having disrupted sleep is a key symptom of depression while depression causes insomnia. Both make you irritable, deprive you of vital energy, and make it hard to focus on getting your old self back. 

The secret to rebounding is tackling them both. 

Signs of Sleep Deprivation

You know when you didn’t sleep well, but your body reminds you all day by yawning and craving a nap. The effects of your restless night shows up in other unflattering ways as well:

  • Feeling “fuzzy”
  • Irritability
  • Moodiness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Clumsiness
  • Dark moods
  • Inability to learn new things
  • Lack of motivation or interest in things you usually enjoy
  • A drop in your sex drive
  • Increased snacking in an attempt to find energy

Generally, you lose your ability to think logically and your emotions take over, leading to times of being temperamental or overly sensitive. You become weak in the face of making rational decisions or concentrating on work or school. Everything becomes more of an effort.

With poor impulse control, you lose your discipline to stay with an exercise routine or make good food choices. Not only do you eat poorly, but you may also binge which leads to guilt – a monster that feeds both disorders that you already have on your plate.

Signs of a Decline Into Depression

That guilt just adds to the emotional burden that is already wearing you down. You likely already feel guilty about yourself and your inner circle when you cannot do all the activities you usually do. It’s hard to get out of bed, especially after a rough night, let alone find the will to look and plan ahead. Often, this stage comes with thoughts of worthlessness, helplessness, and willingness to end your life.

If you feel lost and disinterested in life for two weeks or more, then you are likely facing depression. Here are some additional warning signs:

  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping almost every day
  • Feeling that you are moving more slowly than usual or rushing around in agitation
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feelings of hopelessness 
  • Inability to think, concentrate or make routine decisions
  • Unintended significant weight loss or gain
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide (whether you have a plan or not)
  • Feeling out of water in your usual setting, like work or social functions

Before you despair, realize that you can turn this around with a concerted effort.

Tricks To Get You to Sleep

Catching up on your sleep is one way to get your moods back to where you need them, starting tonight. It allows your brain to sort through all your mental junk from the day before and repairs your cells, so they are more resilient in the days ahead. 

Commit to getting to bed in the right frame of mind so you are more likely to drift off to dreamland:

  • Don’t push it. Go to bed when you feel sleepy.
  • Set a routine and stick with it. Hit the sheets around the same time every night and get up when your alarm sounds. Give your body time to get into its own rhythm, seven days a week.
  • Don’t eat food or drink caffeine at least two hours before bed.
  • Keep all screens and other distractions out of your room. Blue light is the enemy of sleep.
  • Go one step further and ban all screens one hour before bed. Read, meditate, or work on an easy puzzle instead.
  • Make your room a dark, quiet haven that gives you no choice but to close your eyes and relax.
  • If you’re still awake after twenty minutes, arise slowly and do something relaxing in a low-light setting. Then try again.
  • Exercise so your body is physically tired as well. Just make sure it’s something you enjoy and you stop, just like eating, a few hours before bedtime.

Once you’ve gotten over this hurdle, you’ll want to keep up the momentum by maintaining your new routine. It will reward you with more energy, more focus, and clarity for challenging tasks like driving and tackling work projects. 

There are better days ahead. Sweet dreams.

Reference: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l1Ay3rJHEqBWX5_j2VRThgi7N6IeYhHpMssNua7Beoo/edit?usp=sharing


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