Home Top Articles Happiness Are You Wired to Be Happy or Unhappy? Don’t Believe It.

Are You Wired to Be Happy or Unhappy? Don’t Believe It.

Are You Wired to Be Happy or Unhappy? Don’t Believe It.

Some people are born optimists, right? And if you’re not one of those people, then you should just give up trying to see the bright side of life.

Don’t give in just yet.

This  common belief has been part of some cultures for generations. You may have been told that your grumpy uncle will never change or your Pollyanna aunt always sees the good in everyone.

This outlook is based on the same mindset as set point theory, which states you are destined to have a certain weight range so there is no reason to try to gain or lose pounds. However, recent research from Seoul National University and Korea University is questioning if your mental state is set at birth.

The study focused on the concept of “essentializing” happiness, which means your genetics determine how you will see the world and your place in it. For decades, researchers have debated how much your DNA (nature) affects your actions compared to the environment in which you are raised (nurture). 

They provided 452 study participants fake articles about how human capacity for happiness is either:

  • hard-wired and unchangeable
  • affected by your habits and decisions to pursue happiness
  • neutral on the topic

Those who believed the first theory were more likely to give up and not even try to engage in activities that brought them joy. The second group was more motivated to try “effort constructivism” to change their circumstances to feel more cheery.

The results show that the belief that you can change can affect how motivated you are to try. Those who had a defeatist outlook didn’t even want to engage in activities that would boost their optimism. They just didn’t see the point in expending the effort.

The researchers found both groups were equally content but had different opinions on the capacity to change their levels of happiness. 

It may be time to assess your mindset and to open yourself up to new possibilities. For centuries, people have pushed the limits to reach new heights in other areas of life – research, education, science, and careers. Let’s apply that same ceiling-busting energy to experiencing more joy.

Really, what do you have to lose, except a limiting view?



Essentializing happiness reduces one’s motivation to be happier, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jopy.12589


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